SAS and Scheper.Co – Joint Forces

SAS and Scheper.Co are proud of their partnership and build great things.

Check the intro movie below and turn your sound on! 

Agriculture has connected us but connecting People, Processes, Products, and Data drives us every day. We bring Servitization to life and generate increasing economic value, increasing reliability, build fit-for-use products and go for a Zero-footprint. | |

AGCO Servitization (Product-as-a-Service)

Scheper.Co is launching the full embedded Servitization (Product-as-a-Service) program within AGCO, for the brands Fendt / Challenger. We are very pleased to support this top-level brand, with our designed and selected IoT products. Follow our products and stories about Servitization!

AGCO, Servitization, Paas, Scheper.Co

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2019

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2019

Scheper.Co – Ambassadeur Smart Industry NL

In november zijn wij ambassadeur geworden van Smart Industry NL

Powering Smart Industry & Empower your process with smart designs.
Smart Industry heeft een mooie ambitie voor 2021 in Nederland t.a.v. “smart” topics;
Sustainable Factory, Connected Factories, Digital Factory, Advanced- en Flexible Manufacturing, Smart products, Smart Working en Servitization!
De laatste 3 topics hebben onze focus en wij bieden daarin specialistische kennis met oplossingen. #Servitization #Smartproducts #Smartworking #Smartindustry


Your Future our Focus | Scheper.Co

Accelerating Innovation? We make the difference with sustainable, rewarding, smart and efficient solutions.
This essence guards our high standards and provides consistency in our services by empowering Processes, Products and People 3P’s.

Empower your process with smart designs_

Products of the future need to accomplish the highest economic value, highest reliability and become fit-for-use!

How we help you?
  • Product Engineering (sustainable)
  • Service & Maintenance Management (SLA)
  • Connecting People, Processes & Software (IoT)
  • Asset Cost & Risk Reduction
  • Control over Asset reliabilty
  • Integration & Implementation of Software

#servitization #IoT #engineering #innovation #concepts #maintenance #assets #manufacturing #designthinking

Servitization | Scheper.Co & Innofate

Make your Product Strategy Future-proof!

Scheper.CoInnofate joint forces for SME’s. The knowhow about Servitization and IoT from Scheper.Co, is boosting the innovation and consultancy of Innofate.

Samenwerking Scheper.CoInnofate voor het midden- en kleinbedrijf. De knowhow over Servitization en IoT van Scheper.Co, stimuleert het innovatieadvies van Innofate.

More info: Servitization  

#servitization #innovation #service #smartindustry

Servitization, Product-as-a-Service, PRODUCT MANUFACTURER, INTEGRATED SOLUTION PROVIDER, Just-in-Time, Fit-for-Use, Smart-Workforce, LabelBlue


Merry Christmas 2018

New Website

Check out our new revamped website! We thank Orbe –
and Ms. Monderman – RUG for their excellent commitment and help.

Duurzaam Drenthe Event

Gravity Pressure Vessel | GPV

…De GPV levert een bijdrage aan een volledig circulaire economie, waarbij we afval omzetten naar bruikbare materialen die voor Noord-Nederland geschikt zijn. We hebben genoeg akkers en boeren die kampen met mestoverschotten. Afvalverwerkers doen nu dienst als afval-crematorium, waar ook schaarse grondstoffen worden verbrand (denk aan fosfaten). We downcyclen nog veel materialen in plaats van dat we deze echt recyclen. En er zijn verschillende procesindustrieën in Noord-Nederland die nog niet optimaal gebruik maken van hun laatste afvalstromen. Daarnaast hebben we een gasrotonde, maar kunnen deze op termijn niet meer vullen met onze eigen gasvelden…

duurzaam drenthe