Dynamic Development Equipment | DDE

Empowered Solution for Well Services

Alternative for well development  |  Smart automated service equipment  |  Effective borehole cleaning  |  Efficient operation  |  Reduction of wastewater

Grondboorbedrijf Haitjema B.V. | www.haitjema.nl

Water Industry

Period of Execution

  • Start: March 2012
  • Finish: 2014 (Phase 2 | finish – 2017)

Methods, Techniques, Tools

Concept Development  |  Feasibility study  |  Research & Development  |  Product Design  |  Value Engineering  |  Mechanical Engineering  |  Prototype testing  |  Product & System Launch

Value added elements

  • Manufacturer special equipment
  • System suppliers
  • Drilling company

Company overview
Haitjema serves general industries, water utility companies, non-residential and residential construction companies, and diverse consultancies. The company’s history dates back to pre-1900, and it was awarded the designation ‘Purveyor to Her Majesty the Queen’ in 2000. Their specialist knowledge and expertise focuses on the field of vertical drilling specifically aimed at water extraction, soil surveys, well point dewatering and groundwater energy storage, including the provision of associated equipment, maintenance and servicing work. Haitjema company vision is always focused on providing solutions to customers’ problems as a cooperative, flexible and supportive partner.

Business challenge
Haitjema in Dedemsvaart is one of the largest and certainly one of the most prominent companies in the Netherlands operating in this specialist field of drilling. They systematically invest in keeping their machinery up-to-date. A lot of capital-intensive drilling equipment is manufactured in-house according to their own design. There was a rising business challenge. Can you develop a smarter way of working associated with improved service methods? The classic development methods are harder to manage. We also need an improved solution for borehole cleaning that is faster, more efficient and more sustainable. For this, we would like to develop wells 24/7 with an automated solution.

well services

Why Scheper.Co?
Empower Your Future. Scheper with a deep understanding of alternative drilling/service techniques. Combined with a background in process technology (3mE – TU) and smart ideas about well cleaning, gives different opportunities for the development of a proven prototype. Together with different specialists and own research and development, Scheper offered a working service product. We call this the DDE (Dynamic Development Equipment).

How Scheper.Co helped?
We provided our Product Development Services for this particular project. The engineered equipment forms a new solution for the treatment of wells, after drilling and installation. This is an automatic-driven solution that offers an opportunity for 24/7 well development with low water use. The intellectual solutions for flow simulation and pressures are engineered and installed in the tube. The use of this new method gives a further improvement (Opex) of approx. €150k,- each year on 50 new drilled wells for each contractor.

Customer quote
“Thoroughly regulated with drilling company Haitjema” Scheper has realized 2 wonderful designs in the field of groundwater energy storage and in terms of logistics aspects of our service and maintenance work. As an organization, we have taken full advantage of his knowledge and expertise.

Scheper is the owner of the IP for further sales of the DDE. Third parties can also purchase and start with this proven technology (TRL 6). Please contact Scheper

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